
SAP Business One 9.0 MRP Forecast and Planning



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By Ryan Howe

SAP Business One 9.0 MRP Forecast and Planning features offers a simple and powerful forecast and MRP planning system tools that serves production planners and buyers alike.  This MRP Module is designed to replenish and manage items for production or procurement using user defined parameters.

SAP Business One MRP has three main features:

Forecast: this allows SAP Business One users to predict demand, based on a multi-level forecast instead only of relying solely on actual received orders. Forecast allows users to foresee future demands for the product and adjust material planning accordingly. Forecast can be utilized as a source of demand in MRP planning and reporting.  Users can choose whether or not to accept the demand of dorecast recommendations.

Planning Wizard:  guides users through the process of creating planning scenarios in six easy steps.

Step one allows users create or use an existing scenario.

Step two facilitates users in defining the planning horizon, which can be viewed in months or weeks or days. They also can opt to exclude non-working days from the production and purchase planning.

Step three allows for users to apply scenarios for a range of items or item groups or all items. The wizard also allows the user to do planning for the entire company or by specific warehouse.

Step four is where the user then selects the desired criteria in the scenario, such as existing stock levels, open purchase orders, sales orders, work orders, inventory transfer request and inventory that reached its minimum stock level, as well as predefined sales forecasts.

Step five is execution, where the solution presents a recommendation to “make” or “buy” items in a recommendation report. Numerous drill-down options are available to allow planners to view the net requirement calculations and view the actual documents driving the gross requirements. Exception warnings and visual indicators are also available; these help users identify orders that need to be expedited. Planning scenarios can also be saved as “simulations;” users can run a series of “what if?” scenarios without impacting the recommendation report.

Step six is where the system can provide users with an Order Recommendation Report The planner or the buyer can automatically select recommended Production Order or Purchase Order for creation. Planned production orders can be easily converted to purchase orders if they need to be outsourced instead of in house manufacturing. The same vendors purchase orders can be consolidated into a single order which streamlines the purchase process.

For more information on SAP Business One 9.0 we recommend you read  “What is SAP Business One

Ryan Howe

Ryan Howe

Partner, Clients First Business Solutions New Jersey

Ryan Howe is a Certified Public Accountant turned SAP Business One consultant. Leading the SAP Business One practice at Clients First, Ryan has over 23 years’ experience in the financial management and ERP industry, specializing in business analysis, relationship building, and business process optimization. When he’s not helping customers leverage SAP Business One to meet their short and long-term needs, you can find him at any Michigan State sporting event with his family – go Spartans!